EUARE banner 2023



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Please, note that, in order to complete the procedure, you must complete the payment.

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in force from May 25th 2018, we are not allowed to collect and process any personal data without the explicitly given consent of the data subject.

Personal data acquired through any submission form (whether digital or not) or exchanged by the data subject with the association in the fulfilment of its activities will be controlled and processed only for the purposes related to the organization of the EuARe annual meetings and to the dissemination of its ongoing activities and the activities of its members.

You will be able to withdraw your consent at anytime by sending an e-mail to

Read the conditions in full: ITA / ENG.

By clicking on "I agree" you are confirming that you have read, understood, and accept the EuARe privacy policy.